Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Hello Wednesday!  I love this day - HUMP DAY - my work week is half way over!  Not that I am trying to wish my life away, just trying to wish the working days away  :)

My legs are still super sore from, I feel like I have jelly legs.  It doens't help that I have a desk job.  I am trying to get up and move about once an hour, I'm sure I should be moving more but it's very hard with my job.

Today is Curves + Zumba at noon and then I have my core workout for bootcamp when I get home.  I am hoping that the circuit will suffice for the interval portion of the workout.  I absolutely love attending my Curves.  For women that feel uneasy working out around men - Curves is perfect.  I have been going long enough that we're just a big group of friends.  It's hard for me to make friends because I am so quiet so this is good for me. 

I am going to try and can some more tomaotes when I get home this evening, we'll see how things go. 

My youngest daughter is packing now to move out the weekend of August 4 and I am having a very hard time with that.  It was hard enough when my oldest daughter moved out for college and then moved so far away to get married.  I just can't imagine another one leaving the nest  :'(  That will only leave me with my son at home and that's only for 2 more years.  I think that I am in store for an emotional roller coaster in the next week or so.

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