Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Today is the first day of a new month and that calls for a weigh in - 144.8  :)

*The scale is finally down

*This makes me very happy

I had to revise my workout plan for the week and remove the running.  It is too hot to be running.  The average daily temp has been between 104 - 108.  I get up at 4:30 AM how it is for work and I can't justify getting up at 3:45 AM to run.  Maybe that means that I am lazy, so be it.  When it cools off some then I will start the C25K program.

I can tell that the #bestbodybootcamp is doing something, my arm muscles are still sore from Monday.  Tonight is Core and that is a killer for me.  I am not in awful shape but I am out of shape BUT striving to get there.  :)

Until tomorrow

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